Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One more down . . . One more to go!

Well - I had great intentions of posting in order from the beginning of my journey with breast cancer but it's not turning out that way! There does not seem to be enough hours in the day! I do plan on going backwards just so I can share with everyone all the many ways God has been with me & blessed me but there will be time for that later . . .

As for today - I went for a sonogram to check out the "spot" on the healthy breast as recommended from the MRI. I really wasn't nervous and thought it would turn out to be nothing and that seems to be the case! The problem with MRI's is that they pick up everything so it has to be discerened what is something and what is nothing! By comparing the describled location and measurements of the spot on the MRI to what they saw on the sonogram, it appears to be a lymph node (just like the two additional spots on the other breast). YEAH GOD! The nodes are within normal size range (not enlarged) and therefore, "nothing of concern".

I have to admit that when I laid down for the sonogram today and they started measuring (visable to me on the screen), I did have a sick, sinking feeling again. I think that will just come with the territory. But, again, God has said, You are going to be OK! Rest assured that my grace is sufficient for you.

For now - we wait one more time on the genetic testing to come back. That should be back by April 29. Please pray that it will come back negative. You prayers mean everything!


  1. Bonnie my prayers and thougths are with you daily. I admire your faith and the way you are handleing everything going on. I, like you, have confidence in God's grace and that he will continue to strengthen you and provide all that you need to face and win this battle.

  2. Bonnie,

    Here is Renee's telephone number 817-210-9317. She said for you to call her anytime. I pray for your continued healing and this attack by the devil only will serve to show God's great love and healing powers.
    I love you.

  3. Bonnie,
    Thanks for keeping us all updated. You know I am believing God for a complete healing. Love you, girl.

  4. Bonnie,
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the post. I will keep in touch through this. Know that we are praying for you.


  5. Sending prayers and love your way, Bonnie!
    Keep the faith even when it gets hard. Thanks for having the courage to share.
    Love and Blessings,
