Sunday, April 26, 2009

Positively Negative!

The last results we were waiting on was for genetic testing (BRCA1 & BRCA2). This test tells if you have a genetic gene mutation for breast or ovarian cancer. I do not have a family history of breast cancer (1 aunt), however, since I have been diagnosed under the age of 50 - this test was recommended so that we might make the most educated decision for treatment plans.

Now, I consider myself a pretty positive person - I generally tend to look at the bright side of things! But - today - I am positively negative and that's a great feeling! Not only does it mean that I do not carry this gene mutation, it also means that it would be very unlikely for my children to carry it! That's good stuff! Even though it was not likely that I would test positive, it is such a relief to get the good news. It feels good not to be waiting on any more test results! I'm not near as nervous when my cell phone rings in the middle of the day!

What's next you might ask? Well, I will be getting with the surgeon this week to pick a date for surgery. She will be removing more tissue to get clear margins (make sure I don't have any bad cells left). The surgeon & oncologist will be deciding if I will have a sentinel lymph node biopsy at the same time. After about four weeks of healing, I'll be starting radiation. I will be learning more about all that soon!

Thanks for checking in on me and for all your words of encouragement! Good days are out numbering the bad and for that I'm thankful!


  1. FANTASTIC NEWS! Woo-hoo! Yea, God!

  2. As Tony the Tiger would say, "That's GGGGRRRREAT!"
    God is still God no matter what happens and God is good all the time!

  3. Go, God!!! That is fabulous news. Bonnie, it's great that you are sharing in this way and can feel the love from so many.
    andrea powell

    P.S. I walked in the Walk for the Cure on April 11th and I celebrated "Bonnie Kuhn" on my back!

  4. That is wonderful news. Hope your news continues to be good and your treatment is quick and with no complications.

    May God continue to bless this journey!
    Debbie Witherspoon

  5. Bonnie - Wonderful news! God is GOOD! I'm praying for you. May God continue to richly bless you with his love, may your inner strength grow, may you be filled with his peace and may his wisdom lead you now and always. Please do not hesitate to call me if you need anything at all. I would love to help out. God has blessed me as a stay home mom with an open schedule which would allow me to help out as needed. Rest and eat well. Big hugs! Love, Samantha

  6. Something had me thinking of you today and I thought I would just check your blog so glad I did. CONGRATUALTIONS!!!! Good News and early too!!! So glad you results were negative. See you soon.

  7. AWESOME!!! I am so very happy! Just to let you know Addisyn sang with a mic in public for the first time this past Friday at one of the Relay For Life events and I am proud to say that her first volunteer work consisted around raising money for cures if cancer! We love you so much!
    Kristy & Addisyn

  8. Thank You God!!!! We are so grateful for every day - especially the days when the news is sooooo good! When you have a hard day -- just check back here and see how much you are loved! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! What a wonderful present!! Love you ... Sue H

  9. Bonnie,
    I am so glad you received great news today. We will continue our praise and prayers for the victory!
    Jenny N

  10. Wonderful news Bonnie!!! Continued prayers for you and your family EVERY DAY!! LOVE YOU!
    Heidi & family

  11. Awesome news Bonnie! GOD is SOOOO Good! Can't you just feel Him carrying you through this journey? You know you're in my prayers daily! Love You! Kim
    P.S. Saturday was so much fun! Thanks for letting me add my "two cents" to the process. Can't wait til we're approved! Let me know what else I can help with. Love ya! :)

  12. Great news!!!!!!God is good and he is right here with you. You are such a special person to me. I am so proud of you and your positive attitude. I am always here for you and your family. I love you!!!!! Mandy Kuhn

  13. My darling daughter-in-law, you are more like a darling daughter. My love and support are always with you and you are always in my heart. We have always known what a blessed family we are and God's love proves it yet again.

  14. Just thinking of you today... I know that God has you in his tender loving care. Prayers and hugs! Love, Samantha
